Hello Everyone,
This is a subject that I’m sure is on the top of everyone’s mind these days. Especially with the recent rain storm. As an insurance agent I am always concerned that people have the right coverage for the situation. Sometimes I am amazed at the amount of information that people don’t have about their home insurance policies. Not everything is covered by the basic home policy. I’ve attached an article I found that may answer a few questions about water damage. Here are some things you should know about your home policy and what is covered when you experience a water loss (i.e flood or something like it). Even though this article was written for homeowners in Oregon most of the same principles apply to any home policy. Most people don’t know you can purchase a flood insurance policy even if you don’t live in a flood plain (an area that has a high risk of experiencing a flood) and it’s not as expensive as you think. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call 800.552.7430
Gerald Grinter / GG Insurance