Won’t you be my neighbor? Plus, throwing a wrench in rock, paper, scissors…

Since moving down to the Renton area again, I’ve been discovering all kinds of fun things about my neighborhood.  The other day while walking my dogs I realized that the little trail system between the houses was a bit more extensive than I initially thought and my dogs have been loving the change of scenery from the regular sidewalks and strolls into the cul-de-sacs.  I can also see how it will be useful in the summer with the tree cover so that I can have shade for my big black dog.

As I stroll around though I also see what is going on in the neighborhood. The other day a new listing came up so this house is for sale:

It’s literally on the other side of the block from me.  Won’t you be my neighbor?  It’s an estate sale from what the listing info says so I’m sorry to say I didn’t know the former owner since I’ve only lived in the neighborhood 6 months.  It looks like it got a new roof recently but I’ll expect the interior is dated – since I know it is vacant now, I’ll stop by and check out the interior on one of my upcoming neighborhood jaunts.  The house is also about 3 or 4 homes away from Thomas Teasdale Park – I take my dogs here to run around and play fetch but there are also baseball fields and a nice playground area. The park sits next to Talbot Hill Elementary.

Something else I discovered was another resident who works at, and possibly owns, a company called Natural Creations.  They make manufactured boulders and they also do water features in landscaping projects, or they are combined.  I couldn’t believe the stuff that was in his yard that looked absolutely real but is really a manufactured product.  For anyone that has wanted the look of naturalized boulders in their yard and was afraid of the cost and heft of moving them, this might be a really great alternative.

     These are some of the photos they have as projects they have done.  In researching them they have done numerous commercial projects as well as residential ones, including work at famous spots like Woodland Park Zoo.  I am TOTALLY going to have to take another look the next time I am at the zoo to see if I can figure which ones are real and which are manufactured.

Oddly enough, I had just been talking over the fence this past Sunday with my next door neighbor about how some real rocks he’s got in his front yard would be gladly accepted over at my place.  He wants to get rid of them and I like big rocks.  I feel it’s a much more natural element to have in a landscape and my yard already has several.  It’s also nice to have extra places to sit in the yard and not have to be down on the grass.

Anyhow, lots going on in the neighborhood.  Won’t you be my neighbor? 🙂

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