Up until the last 6 months, I was the Block Watch captain for my little neighborhood in Phinney Ridge. One of the benefits of being in contact with so many neighbors was the involvement in the annual Seattle Night Out which usually happens in early August – for 2008 it’s on Tuesday, August 5th.
Most neighbors thought the party was just a big block party and didn’t always realize that it’s tied into a crime prevention. I got my usual email providing me the link to register our block. For neighbors that want to throw their block party they must register their street with the city so they know who is going to be blocking off their roadway. One of the fun things that also happens at these events, at least in some neighborhoods, is that the local fire department and police department employees will get out to meet the folks that they help protect. It’s pretty cool.
If you want to invite your neighbors you can use this invitiation that the city has prepared. It’s a great way to get to know the people in your neighborhood, which helps to make a safer environment for everyone because when you know people it’s hard to turn your back when you see something bad happening to them. Given the sad things we read in the paper or see on the news on a daily basis, it’s always nice when there is an event that can help create a positive effect for the beautiful place where we live, work and play.