Another benefit we like to provide our clients once they’ve closed a transaction with us is to send out a closing gift. Rather than the usual real estate marketing that we see such as flowers and a bottle of wine, etc, we like to help our clients save money. Buying and selling a home is a costly proposition no matter how you look at it, so if we can help out in other areas of the household budget we’re happy to do it.
Enter the Passport Unlimited program…
Team Reba buys a 1 year membership to the program and clients are welcome to renew their membership if they find it to be a valuable item in their wallet. Basically, the program works like this: We sign you up and a membership card shows up in the mail (it’s the size of a credit card). When used at the various participating businesses the card will provide with a variety of discount possibilities. For restaurants it usually means a free entree when one is purchased or a 20% discount if dining single. Some places even offer a discount for take out orders. There is also a services section of the program which can give discounts on a variety of household services like carpet cleaning, handyman services, travel discounts and more!
So, if the costs of travel outside the country don’t have you using your regular passport so frequently – if you do business with us, you can use a Passport of a different kind that helps you save money. And that brings up my last rave about this program – it’s available in a variety of states so if you’re a west coaster here in Seattle and you travel up and down the coast for work or pleasure, you’ll find ways to expand your use of the card easily. Other areas are available for viewing on the Passport website.
Bon Appetit and happy travels!