I hadn’t realized it but I let blogging on RCG, this blog and Active Rain get in the way of my writing for Realty Times. If you’ve ever tracked any of my writings for this program which is a part of the REALTOR.com website, you can start looking for me again. Working (more than) full time and trying to keep up on many a blog or other online writing program is a lot of work and it’s easy to fall prey to the ones that give you the “strokes” of letting you know how many hits your blog has received, or how many views a particular post has had, or to continue with comment after comment.
I have to admit, that as a blog the Team Reba Blog site doesn’t get nearly the hits that other venues might but I’m okay with that because I write about a lot of different subjects here that I may not be able to discuss on other sites, or that I’d prefer to not put out for a lot of public commentary. At times, it is nice to just get a place to write out a scenario that has occurred and to put my thoughts in focus so that when I discuss these situations with future clients I can give a stronger analysis or a better argument for caution, etc. The list is endless.
So, you might be thinking…. “why does it matter if she’s writing on RT again?” Well, on this particular site I get to grade a market area I am familiar with (I actually do 10 typically, but I’ve got 4 up right now including Ballard, Seattle, Greenlake, and Renton) and I make specific commentary about that area and whether prices are going up/down and give my assessment of whether it is a seller or buyer’s market. My analysis can be compared to other agents writing similar reports for the same area. You’d be amazed how wildly these can vary. Since the focus is mostly condo and single family home markets you won’t find a lot of people talking about investments or multi-family housing – but if you’re a buyer or seller, you may care quite a bit about how the winds of change affect your ability to buy and/or sell. Anyhow, happy reading if you can find the time to check it out.