Check Out Freddie Mac’s New
Avoiding Foreclosure Resource Center
During this critical time for homeowners and the housing market, we vigorously back our long-standing commitment to help borrowers avoid foreclosure and keep their homes whenever possible.
The Freddie Mac Resource Center provides one-stop shopping for those who interface with consumers – working in neighborhoods every day helping homeowners avoid foreclosure.
The above info was sent to me (Reba) by the HomeSteps program that I am part of that deals with HUD sold homes. The information is timely and hopefully useful to some homeowners out there who are nearing the bring of defaulting, or who have just gone through their first month or two of it with the bank. Get yourself educated and see if it is possible to get some assistance during this tough time for many. I’ll be honest that it’s been hard to watch how many of my real estate profession colleagues going through their own foreclosures and short sales. My team has joined an investment group called Done Deal Solutions that buys short sale properties in Washington State (and others) and we’ve had conversations with many in our industry about not only their client’s homes and investment properties, but their own too.