Phinney Neighborhood’s annual home show is coming up and volunteers are needed

The PNA puts on this Design & Remodel Fair each year.  There will be many vendors available to help you in your designing and remodeling projects including “green” options and traditional methods.  People from all over the local area typically come from Queen Anne to Greenwood/Aurora, Fremont, Ballard, and more. 

See the notes below from the PNA staff regarding volunteer roles that need to be filled along with time and date information:

The PNA Home Design & Remodel Fair is coming up in just a few weeks, on Sunday, February 8. We are looking for volunteers to help prepare for and staff this event. I’ve listed a few jobs and shifts, although there may be other needs not listed here. Take a look at your calendar and let me know if you’d like to assist with this event. For scheduling purposes, it would be nice to know your first, second, and third choice of job/shift. Virtually all of these jobs call for 2 volunteers per shift, so please let me know if you’d like to work with a friend or family member.

Admission/Door: 9:45-noon, 11:45-2, 1:45-3:45

Membership Info/Sales at Door: 9:45-noon, 11:45-2, 1:45-3:45

Well Home Table/Classes Promotion: 9:45-noon, 11:45-2, 1:45-4

Info Booth/Front Desk: 8:15-11:15, 11-2, 1:45-4:45 

Refreshment Delivery: 11-1

Parking Assistant: 8:15-9:45 am (gets exhibitors parked in tightly in


Check-in Help: 8:15-9:45 am (helps direct exhibitors; answers


Clean-up: 4-6 pm (a truck would be useful for moving tables)

I also need set-up help on Saturday the 7th from 2-5 pm and someone with a truck that might be able to help us move tables on Friday between 1 and 3 pm.

Please let me know if you’d like to do any of these jobs.  You’re recieving this email because you’ve either volunteered for this event in the past or you’ve expressed an interest when filling out your membership information.  I hope to hear from you soon –

Judith Wood

Director of Volunteer Programs & Home Fair Coordinator Phinney Neighborhood Association

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