One of my favorite restaurants in Renton is the 3 year old Fin N Bone owned by Jerry and Yelina Jackson. As I was researching a place to have lunch with a staging/design colleague of mine, I learned that they offer free WiFi at their place. I am sooooo thrilled! Jerry brings some southern style cooking to the restaurant but it’s also married with many NW flavors. Last fall I was loving his TurDuckEn, the Turkey, Duck and Chicken dish where all 3 of them are stuffed inside of each other along with stuffing. It was wonderful and some of the best comfort food I’d had in a long time.
They’ve got meeting spaces that can be rented, but I’m excited to hear that WiFi is there so that I can have smaller luncheon appointments where we can access internet as needed. Today I’ll be coaching this colleague/friend on how to use social media networking to promote her staging classes. Andy Capelluto of School of Staging, also an AR member, has had the benefit of title companies helping to promote her classes and staging designations in the past but that has changed some with the title companies altering how they offer courses. So, she’s soon to learn tips and tricks of the trade.