Don’t forget to fill out your census data this month!

You may have noticed that you received a piece of mail this month from the U.S. Department of Commerce.  It has a big, can’t ignore it, sign on the front of the envelope that says “Your response is required by law”.  If you’re concerned about privacy issues you can check out their website for more information.

For the housing industry it helps the government track how many people live in rental housing or owner-occupied housing.  These statistics have been followed closely for several decades now because the housing industry impacts so much of our national economy – which has become even more evident as the USA sorts itself out through this recent financial crisis.  Property taxes and excise taxes (paid when homes are sold/change hands) having gone down drastically over the past couple of years which has definitely impacted local economies from cities, to counties, and states who rely on those funds to fill the majority of their general funds, paying for all manner of services.

So, do your civic duty and fill out your census!

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