Many months ago Renton citizens voted on whether or not they would prefer to continue to be saddled with the costs of running their own library – which was becoming quite costly – or to join the King County Library System. They voted for joining King County but there has been vocal opposition from some long time Renton residents who really like the old site above the Cedar River.
Personally, I thought it looked kind of decrepit and it was probably really cool at one time, especially when it was new, but you could see the huge long term maintenance costs coming and our city, like every other in the nation, have had our struggles with city budgets. So, it was unlikely to get a nice new facelift anytime soon.
Well, I’m happy to report that a now also very vocal group of supporters, the People for Piazza Park Library, are getting their program together to begin building a positive vibe around a new location. The local Renton Patch has more information here at this link, along with a start-off celebration that will be held at one of my fave local restaurants, the Red House, coming up on June 28th at 5pm. If you’re also a supporter of the new library location and design, why not come out and join them?