Gregory Marks from Right Now Today joined us on-air this week on KKOL 1300AM Tuesday from 3-4pm

On Tuesday Gregory Marks from Right Now Today joined us on-air to talk about his anti-bullying film, Joenah, that he has been working on.  Gregory goes into his thoughts behind making the film and his focus speaking to kids on creating “your inner value”.

You can also view the film tonight, Friday 7/22/16, at Fircrest Park in Fircrest, WA at 6pm

Right Now Today’s mission is to empower people to reach their goals by influencing their lifestyle and way of thinking while creating a synergistic atmosphere that will lead to an empowering experience. It’s all about humans helping humans.

Listen to the show Tuesday at 3pm on KKOL 1300AM where you can stream it live.  Be sure to send us your questions at [email protected] before the episode. Or call us during the show at 1-866-712-1300 if you want to participate



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