The hiding-in-plain-sight concept is a good one to bring into your home to tackle the never-ending storage issue.
The most radical approach to hiding-in-plain-sight storage can be seen in the new wave of tiny homes. Micro-living is a great source of inspiration when it comes to organization hacks. Read five of our favorite storage solutions and how you can implement them into your own home.
Bench Storage
Bench storage is a great way to hide things in plain sight. Although the stored items are not in plain sight at all times, the bench is, so that counts. Using benches as storage receptacles is probably the most common feature in small homes. They are multifunctional, and some are mobile. The storage bench can be used for seating, as an accent piece and as a place to hide shoes and other items.
Wall Space
Wall space isn’t just for paintings anymore. Take advantage of wall space to add a storage feature. Nail up shelves in kitchens or bedrooms for book storage. Kitchen shelves can also be used to hang cookware or baskets of utensils. Televisions can be mounted onto walls now, freeing up space on the floor. Pegboards are a functional way to make use of wall space in a garage or storage closet.
Go Up!
Use a loft space (or bunk bed) to create an area on the floor for a desk or entertainment area. That empty space above the ground can be used for something besides ceiling fans and light fixtures.
Under the Bed
Tell the monster under your bed to scoot over, it’s time to make some good use of the area under your bed. Scout out some sturdy containers to store shoes, summer bedding or even holiday items and hide them under the bed.
Stairs storage
Step up into storage. Convert stairs into storage areas by opening up the riser. Use baskets, or build drawers for items you don’t want guests to see. Or, for often-used necessities leave the space open for easy access.
We hope this has inspired you to reach new heights in your storage solutions. Let us know which of these storage solutions worked the best in your home!