Nanny-cams and real estate issues for buyers and sellers

This is an issue that is starting to come up more often in real estate with some big potential consequences for buyers. With companies like Costco selling systems and firms like Comcast/Xfinity selling more surveillance equipment to homeowners. It can be a game changer if someone (seller) is listening in and buyers are saying things that perhaps would be considered “confidential” between the buyer and their broker prior to sending in an offer.

We regularly talk with our sellers about safety and security while their home is on the market, so it’s not unrealistic to want to have a nanny-cam on to make sure people aren’t stealing from your home, but it needs to be limited there.

Sellers need to be aware that audio taping someone without their permission is not legal (watch the video – I’m not an attorney and am not licensed in this area) per remarks in the video from the WA Assoc of REALTOR counsel, Annie Fitzsimmons. Heck, I’ll let her take it from her to explain…

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