We hope you are having a wonderful summer. We’re enjoying all the great water activities the Pacific Northwest has to offer, some new and some old. How are you beating the heat? We would love to hear from you!
Whether a home buyer, looking to sell or looking for an investment, Team Reba is the Team for you! Our #1 goal is to always set you up for success.
Here is a link to my “August Real Estate Update”:
This Newsletter is full of interesting and useful information that I think you will enjoy whether you are a buyer, seller, or homeowner.
This month’s issue includes topics such as:
“Don’t Miss These Homeowner Tax Benefits”;
“Easy Fixes For Potential Deal Killers”;
“The Top 3 Reasons Buyers Choose The Homes They Buy”;
“Why No Two CMAs Are Ever The Same”;
“Use a Reverse Mortgage to Buy a New Home”;
Plus a roundup of July real estate activity as well as much more advice and information.
I hope you enjoy this monthly newsletter. If you have any comments, please e-mail them to me. Or, if you would like to see a certain topic covered in future months, let me know that too!