Wichita starts its move toward getting high tech downtown with High Touch

We’ve been watching a lot of what goes on in the Wichita marketplace because we’re taking some of our Team Reba investment/commercial business down there with the help of my real estate mom, Myrna Haas.  I’ve been writing regular updates when I travel there, which is very frequently now, and we’ve also been keeping an eye on what is happening in the business sector.  We’re big fans of the investment potential of this area for our clients so when something like this story comes up, we pay attention.

High Touch Inc is a technology firm in business since 1984.  Having had their offices in the area near my mom’s house in the Twin Lakes center for roughly 10 years they’ve decided now to move to the downtown area and across from a very cool historic sandstone building.  It’s these kinds of changes that keep me believing that the location of my 4-plex investment will pay off over the long term.  Keep the company moves comin’ into downtown!

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