Seattle Times highlights a Team Reba buyer client!

Back in December or so I was contacted by a freelance writer about an article she was putting together where she wanted to highlight how buyers in today’s real estate market were becoming successful at submitting lower offers to sellers and getting homes.  At the outset she was hoping to speak with one of my active buyers but as I questioned her about timing the article to meet a buyer’s purchase (because you never know when that will happen) we narrowed down that perhaps a recent buyer closing would be more appropriate.

That’s when I introduced her to Zach and Beth Drummond, clients of mine who completed their home purchase in Mercer Island in November.  Here is the link to the story and the tips that I provided buyers for handling similar offer situations.  This ended up being the front page story of the Sunday real estate section of the Seattle Times, which was pretty cool.  I hope you all enjoy Carol Tice’s piece.

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